This website is more than a website. It is a community - your community! The Community of Practice is your place to exchange information with your partner educator, discuss questions with the rest of the team, share best practices and ideas about what works with the entire community of DSG educators
This website is also your gateway to a host of relevant and useful resources that can help support you in the important role that you have as club leaders.
In addition to everything that is available in the community of practice, your facilitators, Dylan and Saranya, are available to assist you with any need or concern that may arise throughout the course of this program. Whether it is a technical issue on how to post to the partner exchange on the community of practice, or an issue on how to effectively lead a brainstorming activity, we are here to support you and provide encouragement along the way.
We hope that you use all these amazing resources (including ourselves!) in order to make your experience both enjoyable and effective.